"Relationships are like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. You always start with two very different spreads but with at least one commonality. The Bread. The bread is what holds the differences together but allows for each to stand alone as well. But once you bring the two sides together, you can never really have the two original sides as you did when you first started making the sandwich. A little jelly will always stick to the peanut butter, and a little peanut will always stick to the jelly no matter how much you try to separate them. Like our hearts, once you have given even the smallest piece of it to someone else, you can never really have that piece back. It’s theirs. It’s theirs because you gave it to them. Sometimes bringing together the two sticky sides can make a real sweet snack, or it could be a sloppy mess of either too much jelly, or too much peanut butter. When you have too much of either spread, it means the other isn’t giving as much as the other is. Therefore, overpowering the beautiful potential of the other to really taste good as it should. And when there’s a PB&J casualty of either spread slipping out of the bread, sometimes it’s best to call it quits and start over. No one wants a leaky PB&J. No one wants a leaky heart to love. So when it’s all said and eaten (like my PB&J that I have in front of me as I’m typing this), be careful who and how you choose to give your heart to someone. But then again, you never know how delicious that sandwich might be if you never try to make it in the first place. So let your heart steer your knife, and let your conscious be the plate."